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Aquarius Astro Nidra - Cellular Breathing - Music by the Wong Janice "Trust" (2020)

Aquarius lives in the circulatory system.

Ruled by both Saturn & Uranus.


Once the structure & form is built in Capricorn Season, we organize the systems that the structures to bring life & Humanity to it.


To feel & know this in the body, teaches much about life.

Air is the dominate element of Aquarius, thus we use the breath as a teacher through cellular breathing.

The blood delivers oxygen from the lungs to every single cells of your body, allowing each cell to breathe. 

As you embody these cells, they become enhanced communicators able to find rhythm & flow with their neighbouring cells, creating inner balance, turning up the volume on your inner wisdom, illuminating your uniqueness as well as your connection to the Whole.

Deep healing happens as your cells become aware of themselves.


Music: The Wong Janice "Trust"

Collage Art: Lori Menna of @cosmiccollage

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