I'm so excited about this year's Aries Astro Nidra: Focus & Begin!
Have you noticed that focus is hard to come by at times? Distractions so abundant that some days, you just don't know where to begin? Or you work your ass off only to realize that you missed doing one of the most important things to move the needle on your goals?
Do you have goals that aren't being met?
This Astro Nidra is the answer to these challenges.
It's meant to be practiced in the morning, before you get started for your day. This is why I made a point of making it shorter than usual, coming in at only 24 minutes long. But really, once you've done it the first time, you can pass through the intro and shave that down to 22 minutes.
Here's the high-level overview of this practice:
Remember the vision you clarified at the Capricorn New Moon? Well, this practice is designed to strengthen your focus and get you started on one of the projects near and dear to your heart. So before you lay down, be clear on what it is you want to accomplish.
Since Aries is all about following that first impulse and taking action, you'll move quickly in this practice. You're looking for your first impulse. Then trust that.
Another thing you might find handy is to have a notebook close to your practice space so that afterwards, you can write down your first three steps.
I'm going to practice this one before I sit down to work, each time and see what I can get started this Aries Season and I invite you to do the same! Let's see what we can do!
Music is by; Wisdom of Music. The song is Eternal Voices.