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Libra Astro Nidra: Electromagnetic Harmonization (2024)

Lay down for a practice designed to center you within yourself in a way that allows you to remain centered and connected to yourself while in relationship.

It begins with a brief & accessible breath practice. 

You set intention in the form of a ‘Sankalpa’ which is a Sanskrit word that essentially means to take a vow to yourself. Something you want to cultivate more of in your lived experience. 

Then you’ll transition to a body scan that is quite unconventional as you'll  follow the Venus star in your body to call in the beneficial aspects of Venus (Venus is the ruling planet of Libra). 

Once you travel through your body to awakening an inner awareness and soothe your nervous system, you’ll journey through specific nerve plexuses to have your body start producing your own personally taylored cocktail of chemicals through your endocrine system. 

Then, you’ll explore opposite feelings as a teacher of contrast, but also to teach you to be able to move quickly from one to another, granting you choice. 

I like to call it somatic for the mind.

You’ll be guided to feel between external validation and self validation and then return to a sense of wholeness.

Everything done to prepare you for the visualization where you'll find center within yourself before inviting in another person’s energy to your visual experience. 

You’ll get to practice with two different people.

The first person is meant to be someone easy. Someone who you have a healthy relationship with. This person can be anyone that helps you to find peace in your heart & stay connected to yourself. 

Then you'll be cued to invite in another person, this time, someone who challenges you. 

At first, the exercise is to find center in their presence. IF you're able to do that, then you can continue on to find center between the two of you and harmonize your energies.

You’re not asked to bring up story. Instead, you're feeling into the energetic signature & harmonizing there. The electromagnetic field does so much of the work for you to let go as you find your harmony point. The less you can find yourself in story and the more you find yourself in frequency, the more potent this practice becomes.

I ran the Inner Beauty program from my Healy while recording this practice, so it is in coded in the recording for your benefit. 

The music was selected for its healing properties. "Awakening Your Higher Mind" by the Wisdom of Music, is tuned to 741Hz to help you detox your mind, remove negative energy, and facilitate emotional healing.

There is also a signing bowl chime to signify the end of the practice.

I hope you enjoy!

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