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Sagittarius Astro Nidra: Restoring Faith (2024)

This practice uses the transformative power of fire to set you up to restore your relationship with faith. Even if your faith is alive and well, it will connect your compassionate heart with those who have lost faith and (hopefully) help you to be able to connect deeper in your relationships.

I also tried out a technique that is meant to be helpful to move through any disassociation with your inner world, specifically your heart and build bridges of trust between you and your intuition and deeper knowing.

AND!!! I'm so excited to have The Wong Janice make a musical appearance in this practice. Those of you who have been around for a while know her work. It is absolutely DIVINE!!

The track with this practice is called "Cala Tinnari" 

You can hear a subtle water element in there as well, a beautiful balance to the fire we use in the practice.

I hope you enjoy!!

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