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Pisces Practice: The Day Dreamer

We are meant to dream and surrender amongst a drive to press on.

You can press on if you like, and you should for your most important responsibilities and creations, but you'll miss out on the expansive vision and the chance to undo the tangles or confusion. The insights are begging you to listen. This practice give you that opportunity.

This one is shorter than a typical Astro Nidra and very unconventional. We actually interrupt the practice with breathwork right in the middle. Pattern interruption is so key for change to happen. Plus, anyone who typically falls asleep in the practice, this is a great one to help shift that up!

It was originally created during a Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, but I love it so much, I have moved it into the Pisces collection (thus the art saying Mercury Rx in Pisces).

The music is by Essie Jane, a song called "The Rising" from her new album, As I Return - you can find it on Spotify & Apple Music

Here's what Essie Jane said about this track:

"This song always felt like the way to welcome in the album, as it dives into the very heart of the breath itself, using the rise of the inhale and the fall of the exhale as the guiding force for my voice. It weaved itself into my life by asking me to move into a feeling of being suspended in time, drifting across the sky and floating around way out in the cosmos, letting go of thought and focus, taking long deep breaths through the voice, and melting into essence. 

It was a journey to the vastness of time and space, and its cosmic vibe pulled me to rise up, meet it out there, dance with it, and then softly settle back down to earth."

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